Energy transition
Flanders is facing an energy transition in which the sustainable and smart use of energy is crucial. Fluvius plays a key role in this as a grid operator, both by making its own infrastructure more sustainable and by supporting Flemish households and businesses in their green initiatives. We look at how Flanders as a whole can consume less, while actively seeking alternative and renewable energy sources.
Read more about Fluvius' role in the energy transition. Or take a look at our Investment Plan 2024-2033

Climate adaptation
Climate change is obliging us to take a different approach to water use. Despite abundant rainfall, the soil in Flanders is particularly dry and we are confronted with extreme weather conditions such as cloudbursts and prolonged drought. That's why we are making our sewer grid smarter, and devising solutions for more sustainable water use.
Find out about Fluvius' strategy in this regard. Or take a look at our Investment plan sewerage.
Electric First: the choice for sustainable mobility
We have been pursuing an Electric First policy for our company vehicles for some years now at Fluvius. We are replacing existing petrol and diesel vehicles with the most environmentally friendly alternative currently available. If a fully electric model meets the needs in terms of range or load capacity, then it's our first choice.
Read more about our commitment to sustainable mobility here.

Preventing pollution
We analyse the impact of all our activities on air, water, soil and biodiversity and take the necessary measures in accordance with the VLAREM legislation. Where necessary, improvement programmes are put in place to prevent or remediate pollution. Environmental incidents are reported in our annual environmental report.
Fluvius is actively working on decarbonisation to reduce its carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable energy future. Our efforts include:
- Focusing on renewable energy: Fluvius is investing in renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power to replace fossil fuels.
- Energy efficiency: We are implementing measures to improve energy efficiency in our operations and infrastructure.
- Smart grids: Fluvius develops smart grid technologies to optimise energy distribution and better integrate renewable energy sources.
- Electrification: We support the use of electric vehicles and help provide the necessary infrastructure for charging stations.
- Inspiring our partners, contractors and suppliers to also contribute to decarbonisation.

With every application for an environmental permit, we conduct an analysis of the potential impact on biodiversity and take necessary measures.
Material use and circularity
One of Fluvius' main activities is building infrastructure. This involves significant use of materials (long-lasting materials nevertheless). Together with contractors and suppliers, we map the impact of current material use and circularity, and are continually looking for new ways to make our core business more sustainable. We recycle our waste as much as possible.
For example:
- When new, digital meters are installed, the casing of the previous meter boxes are now shredded so that their raw materials can be fully reused.
- The fixtures for obsolete public lighting are replaced with LED fixtures and then completely dismantled, with plastic, metal and other materials all being separated. That way, we ensure that waste streams and recycling are more efficient, while also supporting social employment.
- We shred old work clothes into high-quality fibres that can be used to make new scarves, hats, sweaters, etc. We then sell these to our employees and donate the proceeds to food banks and Kom op tegen Kanker, a cancer charity.