What does the future of energy look like? No one knows which scenarios will materialise. What about our electricity grids? What about the existing grids for natural gas, which ultimately is a fossil fuel?
In the investment plan, Fluvius details what changes are needed to make the Flemish electricity and gas grids ready for energy transition (electrification of mobility, more solar and wind energy and the switch from fossil fuels to solar panels and heat pumps, etc.) and what investments are required in this regard. Fluvius bases this on the social context and the policy framework. We rely on a number of long-term assumptions, based in part on the ambitions in the Flemish Energy and Climate Plan.
Our Investment Plan 2024-2033 indicates the principles we apply.
Addendum Investeringsplan 2024-2033
On 14 April 2024, the VREG approved the Investment Plan 2024-2033 (BESL-2024-15 to. 33) on the condition that we publish this Addendum Investment Plan 2024-2033 with additional explanation and information on our website.