Grid reliability
The most important parameter for grid reliability in electricity distribution is the interruption duration for end-customers. For the Flemish electricity grid, this is around 20 minutes every year. This figure includes all incidents that resulted in an interruption for our end customers: both incidents at the level of the transmission system operator Elia, and at the distribution level. This places our electricity grids among the most reliable in the whole of Europe.

Vision for grids 2050
Fluvius is responsible for the management and operation of various utility grids in Flanders, including for electricity, gas, heating and sewerage. See also ‘Who is Fluvius? What do we do for you?'.
These grids face major challenges due to global climate change. These challenges can have an impact on grid reliability, both in the short and longer term. Our approach in this regard can be found in our Visie 2050.
Asset management
Fluvius' strategic asset management plan (SAMP) is based on the company's mission, vision and strategy, and is the foundation for the expansion of asset management in the various grids. The SAMP not only shows what choices we make for our assets, it also describes how we make these choices, how we want to organise asset management and what resources we want to allocate in this regard in investment plans.
Smart data and infrastructure
Fluvius recognises the increasing importance of data and wants to play a supporting role in this regard. We offer customers access to data, which helps them manage their energy use more efficiently and therefore gain more control over their energy costs. We also make it possible for customers to trade their renewable energy. In this way, we are actively contributing to the energy market of the future.