Fluvius System Operator cv has holdings or shares in several companies:
- 50% in Atrias
- 62,17% in De Stroomlijn
- 34,38% in Synductis
- 33,2% in Wyre Holding
Fluvius has 33.2% in Wyre Holding, which itself holds 100% of the operating company Wyre.

Atrias is a Belgian central data manager for the energy market. The company was founded by Belgian distribution system operators, including Fluvius, with the aim of optimising the management and exchange of data in the electricity and gas markets. Among other things, Atrias manages the central database for customer information, which is essential for the smooth handling of processes such as invoicing, relocation procedures and supplier changes.
De Stroomlijn
De Stroomlijn is a subsidiary of Fluvius that specialises in customer services and communications for utilities. It is the customer contact centre of Fluvius, but also of Farys and De Watergroep. The company mainly focuses on managing customer contacts and administrative processes. In other words, customer communication, such as handling new requests, recording outages and meter readings, etc.
Synductis is a partnership of several utility companies in Flanders, including Fluvius. Their objective is to better coordinate infrastructure works such as laying or maintaining cables and pipes for electricity, gas, water, telecoms and sewerage. The result is less inconvenience for the public and lower costs for the companies involved.
Wyre Holding
Wyre focuses on creating and maintaining infrastructure for data networks. This includes building data transmission networks, such as fibre-optic cables, which are essential for reliable communication and internet services. Wyre is building the data network of the future.